Conformal Coating, Acrylic w/UV Indicator 419B-340G


3 in stock

SKU: 419B-340G Category: Tags: , , ,


Conformal Coating – Acrylic w/UV Indicator    Protects printed circuit boards against moisture, acids, oils, corrosion and thermal shock.

  • Features:  Clear, tough and durable coating, Protects against static discharge, Protects and insulates electrical and electronic components and assemblies, including generators, motors, transformers, relays and solenoid coils.  Tack free: 15 minutes Recoat: 15 minutes Thin and clean up with M.G. Chemicals cat. # 435 Conformal Coating Thinner      *This is no longer available

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 6 × 4 in